Engaging Aging
A podcast from Dovetail Companies
As age-well advocates, Erin DiCarlo and Lauren Watts shed light on topics that help older adults live their best lives. From highlighting their client’s real-life stories to sharing wisdom from many years working in the senior living industry. Join Erin and Lauren as they demystify the realities of aging and showcase the silver linings that occur later in life.
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End of life conversations
Join Erin DiCarlo as she engages in a profound conversation with end-of-life Doula, Azra, about the intricacies of death and dying. From navigating terminal diagnoses to advocating effectively within the healthcare system, together Erin & Azra discuss how to approach end-of-life care with compassion and understanding, offering invaluable insights for those facing life's ultimate transition.
Intimacy and aging
Join Erin & Lauren as they explore the profound topic of intimacy and aging in this enlightening episode. As we grow older, the need for connection and touch becomes more crucial, enriching our well-being through simple yet profound acts like a gentle embrace or sharing a meal with loved ones. We'll discuss the importance of nurturing intimacy as social circles diminish, highlighting how these connections deeply impact our happiness and health. Join us for a meaningful conversation on sustaining emotional and physical closeness in later life.